joi, 10 martie 2011

Castigatorul lunii ianuarie,al proiectului ,,Magical Moments around the world"este Alex Tarmure

1. Happy New Year
2. New magical moments
3. Featured magical moment
4. The Global Village

1. Happy New Year
May the New Year bring you joy, warmth, good tidings and all that is beautiful!

2. New magical moments
People from Belarus, Tanzania, Romania, Poland, Canada, Tatarstan, Israel and the USA have published their magical moments.
You are welcome to view these magical moments at

3. Featured magical moment
This months featured magical moment is by Alex from Romania:
Saving a Baby Dear

4.The Global Village
Earth is home to us all. See where people who have sent their magical moments live.
A new link called Global Village has been added to the website -
In the future information such as geography, history and culture of each location will be added. An example of this can be seen by clicking on the map marker for Thailand. You can also zoom in and out of the map to get a closer look. Enjoy!

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